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    DPI870 volume controller

    Product Overview

    The ETbaissde DPI870 volume controller is designed to facilitate the user to calculate the formula of the cylindrical, spherical, pyramidal, and irregular shaped tank material through the liquid level sensor measurement signal to the volume controller.
    Display the actual amount of material in the tank, the volume meter receives 4-20mA signal, outputs a standard 4-20mA standard signal, 2 alarm points can be set arbitrarily, 2 points 3A relay switch output, true color 5.6 inch LCD screen, The Chinese menu is easy to configure.
    67194国产精品免费观看,一区二区三区夜夜玩人妖,中文字幕av不卡电影网,99热6久久最新97 日韩精品视频一区导航 国产AV无码麻豆
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